
Drug License required in Delhi


Drug License is issued by the Drag Department of Delhi in field of retail, wholesale and manufacturing of Drugs and Cosmetics products. The Drag Department, Delhi has authorization given for doing business in the field of Drugs and Cosmetics Products.


  1. Self attested Copy of PAN Cardof all the Proposed Directors/Partners/Proprietor.
  2. Self attested Copy of ADDRESS PROOFof all the Proposed Directors / Partners/ Proprietor.
  3. Passport Size Photographs of all the Proposed Directors/Partners/Proprietor.
  4. Duly signed Affidavits as required by the Department.
  5. Copy of Current Electricity Bill / Water Bill / House TaxEtc for The     Premises Proposed to be Used.
  6. If the Property is Rented, then Rent Agreement.
  7. Copy of Certificate of Registered pharmacist with Delhi Pharmacy Council in case of sale of Drugs as Retailer.
  8. Copy of Experience Certificate by a Registered Chemist/Pharmacist in case of sale of Drugs as Wholesaler.
  9. Certificate of Incorporation/MOA/AOA in case of company or Partnership deed and list of partners in case of Partnership firm.


Fees for Sale of the Drugs as Retailer & Wholesaler – Check Drug License Fees


35-45 days in case of drug license for sale of drugs and

90-120 days in case of drug license for manufacturing after receipt of all the necessary Documents,

The breakup of the Number of days is as follows


Activity Days
Preparation of Document such as Affidavits etc 2 Days
Filling of Documents with Authorities 1 Day
Department takes time for issue License 30 Days
Getting Final Drug License 7 Days
Total Number of Days 40 Days


  1. Documents Preparation.
  2. Signing of Documents.
  3. File Application Form with Department.
  4. Proper file physically submitted with department.
  5. Inspection of Premises by Inspectors of Department.
  6. License issued by department on ground of full Satisfaction.


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