BRIGHT ARC PROJECTS LLP is a LLP registration under The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008. It's LLPIN ACA-8237 and incorporation of LLP registration on date 2023-04-27. Their registered office address is FLAT NO. 1301 JASWANT HEIGHTS 13TH FLOOR F.P. NO. 549 JN. OF 8TH AND 13TH ROAD KHAR WEST Mumbai Maharashtra 400052. LLP registration is registered in 2023-04-27, India and Registrar of Company is ROC Mumbai. it is Non-govt company. LLP registration Obligation of Contribution is Rs. 4 .
Company status of BRIGHT ARC PROJECTS LLP is ACTIVE. BRIGHT ARC PROJECTS LLP activity code is and its involved in 100000.
Obligation of Contribution | Rs.4 |
Number of Designated Partners | 0 |
Number of Partners |
Address | FLAT NO. 1301 JASWANT HEIGHTS 13TH FLOOR F.P. NO. 549 JN. OF 8TH AND 13TH ROAD KHAR WEST Mumbai Maharashtra 400052 |
Email Id | |
Contact Number | Click Here |