SLASHHASH BUSINESS LLP is a LLP registration under The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008. It's LLPIN ACB-1081 and incorporation of LLP registration on date 2023-05-11. Their registered office address is MAGNIFICIA NO78 DOORVANI NAGAR NEXT TO KR PURAM Bangalore North Karnataka 560016. LLP registration is registered in 2023-05-11, India and Registrar of Company is ROC Bangalore. it is Non-govt company. LLP registration Obligation of Contribution is Rs. 100000 .
Company status of SLASHHASH BUSINESS LLP is Active. SLASHHASH BUSINESS LLP activity code is and its involved in .
Obligation of Contribution | Rs.100000 |
Number of Designated Partners | 3 |
Number of Partners | 0 |
Address | MAGNIFICIA NO78 DOORVANI NAGAR NEXT TO KR PURAM Bangalore North Karnataka 560016 |
Email Id | |
Contact Number | Click Here |