TET FOODS (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private One Person registration under Companies Act 1956 or 2013. It's CIN Number U55101KA2020OPC133602 and incorporation of Private One Person registration on date 31-03-2020. Their registered office address is No.230/3 15th Cross Sampige Road Malleshwaram BENGALURU Bangalore-560003 Karnataka. Private One Person registration is registered in 31-03-2020, India and Registrar of Company is ROC-BANGALORE. it is Non-Government. Private One Person registration authorised share capital is Rs. 100000.00 and its paid up capital is Rs. 100000.00. .
Company status of TET FOODS (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED is Active. TET FOODS (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED activity code is 55101 and its involved in Trading.
Authorised Capital | Rs. 100000.00.0 |
Paid Capital | Rs. 100000.00.0 |
Latest Annual Report | |
Latest Balance Sheet |
Regd. Office Address | No.230/3 15th Cross Sampige Road Malleshwaram BENGALURU Bangalore-560003 Karnataka |
Email Id & Mobile Number | Click Here |