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Object Clause of Jute Company

1. To carry on the business of spinners, weavers, manufactures, balers and pressers of jute, jute cutting, jute rejections, hemp, cotton, silk, wool, and any other fibrous materials and cultivation thereof, and the business of buyers and sellers of and dealers in jut, jute cutting, jute rejections, hemp, cotton and any other fibrous materials, hides, skins, oil seeds, and any other seeds and produce and goods or merchandise made thereof.

2. To carry on the business of cotton spinners, and doublers, flex hemp and jute spinners, linen manufacturers, flax, hemp, jute and wool manufacturers, wool combers; worsted spinners, yarn merchants, bleachers and dyers, printers and makers if vitriol, bleaching and dyeing materials  and to comb, prepare, spin, dye and deal in flex, hemp, jute, wool, cotton silk and other fibrous substances, and to weave or otherwise manufacture, buy and sell and deal in fabrics whether textile, felted, fribled knitted, nettled or looped.

3. To deal in spinning and weaving mills, cotton mills, ginning factories, decorticators, jute mills and mills of any other description and to maintain, erect and work ginning factories decorticators, foundries, and manufacturers of every kind of goods and merchandise, and to erect, maintain and work presses for pressing merchandise into bales.

4. To buy, sell, manufacture and deal in all kinds of articles which may be required for the purpose of the aforesaid businesses.