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Pincode 203394

State Code: 9

State Name: Uttar Pradesh

Region Name: Agra

Division Name: Bulandshahar

District Name: BULANDSHAHR

City: Khalor

Pincode: 203394

Police Station: NA

List of GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Uttar Pradesh

GST State Code: 9

GST Zone: Meerut

GST Commissionerate: Gautam Buddha Nagar

GST Division: Bulandshahar

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Bulandshahar - I Area falling under municipal limits of Bulandshahar City of Distt. Buland Shahar
Bulandshahar - II Tehsil Anoop Shahar and Tehsil Dibai, Tehsil Siana and all other area of Distt. BULANDSHAHR not specified elsewhere
Sikandarabad - I Part of Sikandrabad Tehsil of Distt. BULANDSHAHR after Kot Ka Pul on Ghaziabad BULANDSHAHR Road on South of NH-91 upto UPSIDC, Sikandrabad Block A, B,C & D
Sikandarabad - II Area falling under Tehsil Sikandrabad except area specified elsewhere
Khurja area falling under Teshil Shikarpur & Teshil Khurja of Distt, Bulandhahar