State Code: 9
State Name: Uttar Pradesh
Region Name: Allahabad
Division Name: Mirzapur
District Name: MIRZAPUR
City: Shahpur
Pincode: 231305
Police Station: SHAHPUR
State Name: Uttar Pradesh
GST State Code: 9
GST Zone: Lucknow
GST Commissionerate: Varanasi
GST Division: Gorakhpur-I
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
URBAN-I | Area of P.S Gorakhnath, P.S Shahpur, P.S Gularia, P.S Chilwatal and Tehsil Campierganj of District Gorakhpur |
State Name: Uttar Pradesh
GST State Code: 9
GST Zone: Lucknow
GST Commissionerate: Varanasi
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE-I | Sadar Tehsil and Lalganj Tehsil of MIRZAPUR District |
RANGE-II | Chunar Tehsil and Marihan Tehsil of MIRZAPUR District |
RANGE-III | Robertsganj Tehsil, Area of Nagar Panchayat and Area of Dalla, Obra of Sonebhadra District |
RANGE-IV | M/s Hindalco Industries Limited and Area of Nagar Panchayat, Pipri Excluding M/s Grasim Industries Limited and M/s Ski Carbon Renukoot of Sonebhadra District |
RANGE-V | M/s Grasim Industries Limited and Ski Carbon Renukoot, Anpara, Shaktinagar, Bijpur and Other Area of Duddhi Tehsil of Sonebhadra District |
State Name: Uttar Pradesh
GST State Code: 9
GST Zone: Meerut
GST Commissionerate: Meerut
GST Division: Muzaffarnagar - I
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
Range - I | Areas on the both sides of Bhopa Road upto Delhi Hardwar Bye Pass Road, Roorkee Road, Saharanpur Road, Shamli Road and Shahpur Road upto the area of Muzaffarnagar Tehsil. |