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Pincode 246761

State Code: 9

State Name: Uttar Pradesh

Region Name: Bareilly

Division Name: Bijnor

District Name: BIJNOR

City: Morna

Pincode: 246761

Police Station: NA

List of GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Uttar Pradesh

GST State Code: 9

GST Zone: Meerut

GST Commissionerate: Meerut

GST Division: BIJNORe

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Bijnore Areas falling under Tehsil BIJNORe and Chandpur of Distt. BIJNOR.
Dhampur Areas falling under Tehsil Dhampur, Nagina and Najibabad of District BIJNOR (U.P.)

State Name: Uttar Pradesh

GST State Code: 9

GST Zone: Meerut

GST Commissionerate: Noida

GST Division: Noida - I

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Range - 5 Areas falling under Sector 14 to Sector 19, Sector 27 to 53, Sector 91 to 111, Sector 124 to 136, Noida & Morna VIllage Noida and area not elsewhere specified under the jurisdiction of any range of Division I, Noida GST Commissionerate.