State Code: 8
State Name: Rajasthan
Region Name: NA
Division Name: Bharatpur
District Name: BHARATPUR
City: Bhandore
Pincode: 321026
Police Station: NA
State Name: Rajasthan
GST State Code: 8
GST Zone: Jaipur
GST Commissionerate: Alwar
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
GST RANGE-XXV BHARATPUR | Left side area of Jaipur - Agra Railway line in BHARATPUR city + Tehsil of Kumher, Kaman, Pahari, Nagar & Deeg. |
GST RANGE-XXVI BHARATPUR | Right side area of Jaipur - Agra Railway line in BHARATPUR city & entire remaining area of BHARATPUR District not specified elsewhere. |