State Code: 8
State Name: Rajasthan
Region Name: Jodhpur
Division Name: Sriganganagar
District Name: HANUMANGARH
City: Balochanwala
Pincode: 335803
Police Station: NA
State Name: Rajasthan
GST State Code: 8
GST Zone: Jaipur
GST Commissionerate: Jodhpur
GST Division: Gst-I Sriganganagar
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
GST RANGE-XXXVI -HANUMANGARH-I | Entire area of HANUMANGARH Tehsil towards Northern side of Ghaghar River and area of tehsil Sangaria. |
GST RANGE-XXXVII -HANUMANGARH-II | Entire area of HANUMANGARH tehsil towards Southern side of Ghaghar River and area of tehsil Tibbi. |
GST RANGE-XXXVIII -RAWATSAR | All the GST assessees under the tehsils of Rawatsar, Pilibanga, Nohar, and Bhadra and any other area of HANUMANGARH district not specified elsewhere. |