State Code: 24
State Name: Gujarat
Region Name: Rajkot
Division Name: Junagadh
District Name: JUNAGADH
City: Rangpur
Pincode: 362227
Police Station: RANGPUR
State Name: Gujarat
GST State Code: 24
GST Zone: Ahmedabad
GST Commissionerate: Ahmedabad South
GST Division: Rakhial
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
Range IV | In the northern side the jurisdiction starts from Nehru Bridge to Kalupur Police Station of Relief Road, Fernandez Bridge to Gandhi road and Raipur Gate of SaRangpur road upto the Kulupur Railway Station includes Raipur, SaRangpur, Manekchowk, Sankadi Sheri, Khadia char rasta, Khadia, Panchkuva area. On western road it extends from Nehru Bridge to Behrampura along eastern side of river Sabarmati including Ratan Pole, Pankorenaka, Behrampura GIDC, Calico Mills and its allied units in Jamalpur Astodia area. On eastern side from Raipur gate to Kankaria Lake Maharshi Dayanand Marg including the area of City Mill Compound, New Textile Mills, SaRangpura Mill, Kesar-I Hind Mills, Abad Dairy, Hirabhai Market, New Cloth Market. Also in eastern side railway track from Kalupur Railway Station to St.Joseph Hospital to Kankaria Police Chowky include over the bridge from SaRangpur and Khokhara. It also extends from Kalupur Police station by Arjunlal road to Fernandez Bridge along Chandola leading Ramanlal Jari Marg than to Vivekananda road to its intersection with SaRangpur Road leading Maharashi Dayanand Marg to Kankaria Lakefrom ther Kankaria Circular road upto a pont of Swaminarayan College. On the southern side from Kankaria circular road upto Swaminarayan College road to Dani Limbda Police Chowky to Jamalpur Char rasta along side. |
Range V | On the northern side the jurisdiction extends from Mehta Petrol Pump on Rakhial Road upto SaRangpur Bridge. on easter side it extends upto railway track from SaRangpur Bridge to the area around St. Joseph Hospital. On southern side it extends upto Gomtipur Zulta Minara rasta on railway track to St. Joseph Hospital including Rajpur Hirapur and Gomtipur VIllage also upto opposite side of Sukhramnagar at Khandubhai Desai Marg. Jurisdiction of this range includes M/s ArVInd Intex (Nagri Mills), Arbuda Mills, Patel Mills, Ahmedabad Cotton Manufacturing Co and Ram Krishna Mill(Closed). |
State Name: Gujarat
GST State Code: 24
GST Zone: Ahmedabad
GST Commissionerate: Ahmedabad South
GST Division: Vastrapur
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: Gujarat
GST State Code: 24
GST Zone: Ahmedabad
GST Commissionerate: Ahmedabad-North
GST Division: S. G. Highway East
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
Range I | EAST:- Western side of Sabarmati River starting from Nehru Bridge up to Dadhichi Bridge on old Wadaj Road. SOUTH:- Road starting from north side of Nehru Bridge to NavRangpura Police Station towards Helmet Circle VIa Commerce SIX Road. WEST:- 132 ft Ring Road starting from North side of Helmet Circle up to Akhbar Nagar. NORTH:- Road starting from Akhbar Nagar to Wadaj Bus Stop up to Dadhichi Bridge on Sabarmati River. |
State Name: Gujarat
GST State Code: 24
GST Zone: Ahmedabad
GST Commissionerate: Bhavnagar
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
Junagadh I | Entire area falling under jurisdiction of JUNAGADH Municipal Corporation on left (Narsinh Mehta Lake) side of M.G. Road passing through the municipal area and meeting on one direction with National Highway leading towards Jetpur and on another direction meeting with State Highway leading towards Bilkha; and Vanthali & Manavadar Talukas of JUNAGADH District. |
Junagadh II | Entire area falling under jurisdiction of JUNAGADH Municipal Corporation on right (Upperkot Fort) side of M.G. Road passing through the municipal area and meeting on one direction with National Highway leading towards Jetpur and on another direction meeting with State Highway leading towards Bilkha; JUNAGADH Taluka except municipal area of JUNAGADH City; and Bhesan & VIsavadar Talukas of JUNAGADH District. |
Porbandar I | Entire area falling under jurisdiction of Porbandar Taluka of Porbandar District. |
Porbandar II | Entire area falling under the jurisdiction of Ranavav and Kutiana Talukas of Porbandar District. |
Veraval I | Entire area falling under jurisdiction of Veraval Taluka of Gir-Somnath District and Maliya, Mangrol & Keshod Talukas of JUNAGADH District. |
Veraval II | Entire area falling under jurisdiction of Sutrapada & Talala Talukas of Gir-Somnath District; and Mendarda Taluka of JUNAGADH District. |