State Code: 24
State Name: Gujarat
Region Name: Rajkot
Division Name: Amreli
District Name: AMRELI
City: Kadiyali
Pincode: 365560
Police Station: NA
State Name: Gujarat
GST State Code: 24
GST Zone: Ahmedabad
GST Commissionerate: Bhavnagar
GST Division: AMRELI
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
Rajula | Entire area falling under jurisdiction of Rajula and Savar-Kundla Talukas of AMRELI District. |
Jafarabad | Entire area falling under jurisdiction of Jafrabad, Khambha & Dhari Talukas of AMRELI District. |
Una | Entire area falling under jurisdiction of Kodinar, Gir-Gadhada & Una Talukas of Gir-Somnath District. |
Amreli | Entire area falling under jurisdiction of AMRELI, Babra, Lathi, Liliya, Vadia & Bagsara Talukas of AMRELI District. |