State Code: 24
State Name: Gujarat
Region Name: Rajkot
Division Name: Kutch
District Name: KACHCHH
City: Khokhara
Pincode: 370115
Police Station: Khokhara
State Name: Gujarat
GST State Code: 24
GST Zone: Ahmedabad
GST Commissionerate: Ahmedabad South
GST Division: Rakhial
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
Range III | On the northern side the jurisdiction of this range extends upto Cadila bridge from bagefirdosh on NH 8 (both the sides). On the western side it extends upto Khokhara bridge. On eastern side it extends upto Ramol VIllage (including VIllage) Memadpura, Dhamatvan, Goharaji-ni-muvadi, BoVInal Pura, and Chablaji ni muvadi, bhuval, Harnij VIllage of Daskroi Taluka. On the southern side it extends upto road from Vatva char rasta to railway crossing in south east. Over and above, the following textile mills are included:-1. Ambica Mill No.2, 2.Bhalkia Mill (closed) 3.Rohit Mill 4.M.H.Mill No.2. On the northern western side it extends upto Nagarvel Hanuman, VIa Bratmbhatta Road. |
Range IV | In the northern side the jurisdiction starts from Nehru Bridge to Kalupur Police Station of Relief Road, Fernandez Bridge to Gandhi road and Raipur Gate of Sarangpur road upto the Kulupur Railway Station includes Raipur, Sarangpur, Manekchowk, Sankadi Sheri, Khadia char rasta, Khadia, Panchkuva area. On western road it extends from Nehru Bridge to Behrampura along eastern side of river Sabarmati including Ratan Pole, Pankorenaka, Behrampura GIDC, Calico Mills and its allied units in Jamalpur Astodia area. On eastern side from Raipur gate to Kankaria Lake Maharshi Dayanand Marg including the area of City Mill Compound, New Textile Mills, Sarangpura Mill, Kesar-I Hind Mills, Abad Dairy, Hirabhai Market, New Cloth Market. Also in eastern side railway track from Kalupur Railway Station to St.Joseph Hospital to Kankaria Police Chowky include over the bridge from Sarangpur and Khokhara. It also extends from Kalupur Police station by Arjunlal road to Fernandez Bridge along Chandola leading Ramanlal Jari Marg than to Vivekananda road to its intersection with Sarangpur Road leading Maharashi Dayanand Marg to Kankaria Lakefrom ther Kankaria Circular road upto a pont of Swaminarayan College. On the southern side from Kankaria circular road upto Swaminarayan College road to Dani Limbda Police Chowky to Jamalpur Char rasta along side. |