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Pincode 370445

State Code: 24

State Name: Gujarat

Region Name: Rajkot

Division Name: Kutch

District Name: KACHCHH

City: Vadva

Pincode: 370445

Police Station: NA

List of GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Gujarat

GST State Code: 24

GST Zone: Ahmedabad

GST Commissionerate: Rajkot

GST Division: Rajkot - I

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Range II Entire area of North of Rajkot city bound on its South by Raiya Road upto limit of Rajkot Taluka, Sadar Bazaar Main Road to Kesar-e-Hind Bridge VIa Jubilee Chowk and Hospital Chowk, KuVadva Road upto Green Land Chokdi; entire part of Rajkot Taluka bounded on its South by Kalawad Road and by Ahmedabad Road, respectively.