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Pincode 384266

State Code: 24

State Name: Gujarat

Region Name: Ahmedabad HQ

Division Name: Patan

District Name: PATAN

City: Rampura

Pincode: 384266

Police Station: RAMPURA

List of GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Gujarat

GST State Code: 24

GST Zone: Ahmedabad

GST Commissionerate: Ahmedabad South

GST Division: Rakhial

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Range IV In the northern side the jurisdiction starts from Nehru Bridge to Kalupur Police Station of Relief Road, Fernandez Bridge to Gandhi road and Raipur Gate of Sarangpur road upto the Kulupur Railway Station includes Raipur, Sarangpur, Manekchowk, Sankadi Sheri, Khadia char rasta, Khadia, Panchkuva area. On western road it extends from Nehru Bridge to BehRampura along eastern side of river Sabarmati including Ratan Pole, Pankorenaka, BehRampura GIDC, Calico Mills and its allied units in Jamalpur Astodia area. On eastern side from Raipur gate to Kankaria Lake Maharshi Dayanand Marg including the area of City Mill Compound, New Textile Mills, Sarangpura Mill, Kesar-I Hind Mills, Abad Dairy, Hirabhai Market, New Cloth Market. Also in eastern side railway track from Kalupur Railway Station to St.Joseph Hospital to Kankaria Police Chowky include over the bridge from Sarangpur and Khokhara. It also extends from Kalupur Police station by Arjunlal road to Fernandez Bridge along Chandola leading Ramanlal Jari Marg than to Vivekananda road to its intersection with Sarangpur Road leading Maharashi Dayanand Marg to Kankaria Lakefrom ther Kankaria Circular road upto a pont of Swaminarayan College. On the southern side from Kankaria circular road upto Swaminarayan College road to Dani Limbda Police Chowky to Jamalpur Char rasta along side.

State Name: Gujarat

GST State Code: 24

GST Zone: Ahmedabad

GST Commissionerate: Ahmedabad South

GST Division: Narol

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Range I This range covers the area of the outside Jamalpur char rasta to Calico Mill tekra cross road upto Sabarmati river(BehRampura GIDC) and in southern side it extends upto sewage farm and octroi naka. In the eastern side of the octroi naka alongside of NH 8 upto Ranipur Patia. Cozy Hotel by pass road alongside srinivas no khancho. In the eastern side the area cover upto NH alongside the road upto Jamalpur Char rasta.
Range II This range covers the area of units situated in the southern side of BehRampura Police Chowki to Bhulabhai Char rasta to Swaminarayan College upto old Dhor Bazar. In the western side the area includes from old Dhor bazar to Isanpur VIllage Cross Road. In the nothern side the area cover from Isanpur cross road upto Ranipur Patia, Cozy hotel (through narol circle). In the eastern side the area covers from ranipur patia, cozy hotel to alongside Srinivas no khancho to NH alonside road upto Narol Circle.

State Name: Gujarat

GST State Code: 24

GST Zone: Ahmedabad

GST Commissionerate: Gandhinagar

GST Division: Palanpur

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Range V Jurisdiction over whole PATAN District excluding Sidhpur Taluka.

State Name: Gujarat

GST State Code: 24

GST Zone: Ahmedabad

GST Commissionerate: Gandhinagar

GST Division: Kalol

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Range III Phase-iv of GIDC Chhatral, VIllages: Dhanot, Bileshwarpura, Arsodia, Bhadol, Dhamasana, Mokhasan, Kantana, Nardipur, Golihara, Nava, Paliyad, Bhavpura, Khorajdabhi, Veda, Himmatpura, Jamla, Soja, Nadri, Chandisana, Vagosana, Dhendhu, Sobhasan, Itla, Amaja, Baalva, Rampura, Limbodara, Pratappura, Mubarakpura and Aluva

State Name: Gujarat

GST State Code: 24

GST Zone: Vadodara

GST Commissionerate: Surat

GST Division: Division-I Surat

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
RANGE-I Ward No. 1/A Nanpura, 1/B Makkaipul, 2/A Rustampura, 2/B SagaRampura, 2/C Ruderpura, Ward No. 3/A Navapura, 3/B Salabatpura, 4/A Begunpura, 4/B Moti Talkies of Central Zone of SMC of Central Zone of Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC).

State Name: Gujarat

GST State Code: 24

GST Zone: Vadodara

GST Commissionerate: Vadodara-II

GST Division: Division-I Halol

GST Range GST Jurisdiction