State Code: 24
State Name: Gujarat
Region Name: Vadodara
Division Name: Kheda
District Name: KHEDA
City: Sorna
Pincode: 387620
Police Station: NA
State Name: Gujarat
GST State Code: 24
GST Zone: Ahmedabad
GST Commissionerate: Ahmedabad-North
GST Division: Dholka
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
Range I | Areas falling under Dholka Taluka covering East of Bakrol -Dholka Road (State Highway no. 4) starting from Badarkha VIllage upto the Circle at Parshwanath Hospital, touching Bavla-Dholka Road; also covering north of Bavla - Dholka Road starting from Parshwanath Hospital Circle (State Highway no.74) towards Pullen Pumps and upto Circle at Pullen Pumps Factory, also including all area on the north of Dholka bypass road (which connects Bavla - Dholka Road and Dholka - KHEDA Road); including GIDC Dholka; also covering North of Dholka - KHEDA Road (State Highway no.149) starting from Circle at Pullen Pumps, towards GIDC Dholka and upto the Jurisdiction of Dholka Taluka towards East. |
Range II | Entire areas falling under Dholka Taluka, including VIllages of Valthera, Sarandi and Thrasad Road but excluding areas covering East of Bakrol - Dholka Road (State Highway no. 4) starting from Badarkha VIllage upto the Circle at Parshwanath Hospital, touching Bavla-Dholka Road; also excluding areas covering north of Bavla - Dholka Road starting from Parshwanath Hospital Circle (State Highway no.74) towards Pullen Pumps and upto Circle at Pullen Pumps Factory, also excluding all area on the north of Dholka bypass road (which connects Bavla - Dholka Road and Dholka - KHEDA Road); excluding GIDC Dholka; excluding areas covering North of Dholka - KHEDA Road (State Highway no.149) starting from Circle at Pullen Pumps, towards GIDC and upto the Jurisdiction of Dholka Taluka towards East. |
State Name: Gujarat
GST State Code: 24
GST Zone: Ahmedabad
GST Commissionerate: Ahmedabad-North
GST Division: S. G. Highway East
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
Range IV | EAST:- Railway Line starting from Nirnay Nagar Under Bridge to ChandKHEDA Railway Station towards Khodiyar Railway Station up to District limit of Ahmedabad. SOUTH:- Road starting from Nirnay Nagar Under Bridge to Dindayal Upadhyay Over Bridge up to Gota Over Bridge on S. G. Highway. WEST:- S. G. Highway starting from Gota Over Bridge upto District limit of Ahmedabad. NORTH:- District limit of Ahmedabad. |
Range V | EAST:- West Bank of Sabarmati starting from Dadhichi Bridge up to District limit of Ahmedabad. SOUTH: Road starting from Dadhichi Bridge to Akhbar Nagar to Nirnay Nagar Under Bridge. WEST:- Railway Line starting from Nirnay Nagar Under Bridge to ChandKHEDA Railway Station towards Khodiyar Railway Station up to District limit of Ahmedabad. NORTH:- District limit of Ahmedabad. |
State Name: Gujarat
GST State Code: 24
GST Zone: Vadodara
GST Commissionerate: Vadodara-I
GST Division: Division-X Anand
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE-I | KHEDA Taluka |