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Pincode 388550

State Code: 24

State Name: Gujarat

Region Name: Vadodara

Division Name: Kheda

District Name: KHEDA

City: Kalu

Pincode: 388550

Police Station: KALU

List of GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Gujarat

GST State Code: 24

GST Zone: Ahmedabad

GST Commissionerate: Ahmedabad South

GST Division: Rakhial

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Range IV In the northern side the jurisdiction starts from Nehru Bridge to Kalupur Police Station of Relief Road, Fernandez Bridge to Gandhi road and Raipur Gate of Sarangpur road upto the Kulupur Railway Station includes Raipur, Sarangpur, Manekchowk, Sankadi Sheri, Khadia char rasta, Khadia, Panchkuva area. On western road it extends from Nehru Bridge to Behrampura along eastern side of river Sabarmati including Ratan Pole, Pankorenaka, Behrampura GIDC, Calico Mills and its allied units in Jamalpur Astodia area. On eastern side from Raipur gate to Kankaria Lake Maharshi Dayanand Marg including the area of City Mill Compound, New Textile Mills, Sarangpura Mill, Kesar-I Hind Mills, Abad Dairy, Hirabhai Market, New Cloth Market. Also in eastern side railway track from Kalupur Railway Station to St.Joseph Hospital to Kankaria Police Chowky include over the bridge from Sarangpur and Khokhara. It also extends from Kalupur Police station by Arjunlal road to Fernandez Bridge along Chandola leading Ramanlal Jari Marg than to Vivekananda road to its intersection with Sarangpur Road leading Maharashi Dayanand Marg to Kankaria Lakefrom ther Kankaria Circular road upto a pont of Swaminarayan College. On the southern side from Kankaria circular road upto Swaminarayan College road to Dani Limbda Police Chowky to Jamalpur Char rasta along side.

State Name: Gujarat

GST State Code: 24

GST Zone: Ahmedabad

GST Commissionerate: Ahmedabad-North

GST Division: Naroda Road

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Range I The jurisdiction of this range extends upto the eastern bank (Sabarmati river from Subhash bridge to Nehru bridge.On western side, its jurisdiction extends upto Dr. Tankaria Road from Sardar Park to Delhi Darwaja. On north-east, it extends upto railway track along city road. From city road to the railway crossing of Girdharnagar on the east, it extends upto Ghee Kanta road (Dr. Ambedkar road), relief road to Delhi Darwaja on Kasturba Gandhi road, from Delhi Darwaja along Kasturba Gandhi Road upto New Gujarat Cotton Mill No. 2 from New Gujarat Cotton Mills No. 2 to old Manekchowk mills to Girdharnagar railway crossing, Kasturba Gandhi Road to Sahid Haribhai railway crossing. On the southern side, it extend upto relief road from sardar park to Ghee kanta (excluding the park). On the southern side, it extends upto the Relief road to Delhi Darwaja to Subhash bridge i.e. western side includes Dudheshwar, Shahpur, Tavdipura and dealers of the area. The jurisdiction extending upto the Municipal limits from city road to Saijpur Bogha (excluding Saijpur Bogha) on the Southern east and north east side it extends upto the railway track from Saijpur Bogha to Asarva Railway crossing on the railway line. The jurisdiction extending upto CivIl Hospital road and city road from Cantonment to Aryoday Mills including the Mills. From CivIl Hospital road near Aryoday Mills to metre gauge railway track. On the south-west, it extends upto railway track from Aryoday Mills to Asarva crossing. The jurisdiction of this range extends upto Kasturba Gandhi road from Delhi Darwaja to New Gujarat Cotton Mills no. 2 and from there to old Manekchowk mills and new Manekchowk mills (including both the mills.) The jurisdiction extending upto the metre gauge railway line from New Manekchowk mills to Kalupur railway station. On the western side, it extends upto Dr. Ambedkar road (Ghee Kanta road) from Ghee Kanta to Delhi Darwaja. On the southern side, it extends upto relief road from Ghee Kanta to Kalupur railway station. On the northern side, the jurisdiction extends upto the Municipal limit from city road to Dafnala; from Dafnala along the eastern bank of Sabarmati river to railway bridge. On the eastern side, it extends upto CivIl Hospital road,; from city road to Aryoday Mills (excluding the mills). On the western side, it extends upto the metre gauge railway track touching Rajnagar mills and Aryoday mills. This range has jurisdiction over old Commercial mills and Rajnagar mills. (Old Range-I of the C. Ex. Division-vias per Estt. Order No. 173/1996 dated 24.12.1996.) and (Old Range-II & III of C, Ex., Divn. vias per Estt. Order No. 173/1996 dated 24.12.1996.)
Range V On eastern side, the jurisdiction extends upto Narol-Naroda highway. It covers Bapunagar area and excluding Bapunagar colony. On the western side it extends upto Saraspur Bridge. On northern side, it extends Indulal Yagnik road and Anil road and extends upto Kalupur Bridge. ArVInd Polycot Ltd. compound including mills and Vora Roja crossing. On southern side, it extends upto Vivekanand mills. Rakhial VIllage and Monogram mills (but excluding the mills and Rakhial VIllage)but including Nutan mills on Anil Road.

State Name: Gujarat

GST State Code: 24

GST Zone: Ahmedabad

GST Commissionerate: Ahmedabad-North

GST Division: Sanand

GST Range GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Gujarat

GST State Code: 24

GST Zone: Ahmedabad

GST Commissionerate: Ahmedabad-North

GST Division: Dholka

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Range II Entire areas falling under Dholka Taluka, including VIllages of Valthera, Sarandi and Thrasad Road but excluding areas covering East of Bakrol - Dholka Road (State Highway no. 4) starting from Badarkha VIllage upto the Circle at Parshwanath Hospital, touching Bavla-Dholka Road; also excluding areas covering north of Bavla - Dholka Road starting from Parshwanath Hospital Circle (State Highway no.74) towards Pullen Pumps and upto Circle at Pullen Pumps Factory, also excluding all area on the north of Dholka bypass road (which connects Bavla - Dholka Road and Dholka - KHEDA Road); excluding GIDC Dholka; excluding areas covering North of Dholka - KHEDA Road (State Highway no.149) starting from Circle at Pullen Pumps, towards GIDC and upto the Jurisdiction of Dholka Taluka towards East.

State Name: Gujarat

GST State Code: 24

GST Zone: Ahmedabad

GST Commissionerate: Ahmedabad-North

GST Division: S. G. Highway East

GST Range GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Gujarat

GST State Code: 24

GST Zone: Vadodara

GST Commissionerate: Vadodara-I

GST Division: Division-X Anand

GST Range GST Jurisdiction