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Pincode 396580

State Code: 24

State Name: Gujarat

Region Name: Vadodara

Division Name: Navsari

District Name: NAVSARI

City: Vanarasi

Pincode: 396580

Police Station: NA

List of GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Gujarat

GST State Code: 24

GST Zone: Vadodara

GST Commissionerate: Surat

GST Division: Division-V Surat

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
RANGE-I Area falling under east side of Surat NAVSARI Road beyond Unn Jakat Naka upto Mindhola River excluding area covered within SMC limit. Also, West side of Surat-NAVSARI road beyond Sachin Railway over bridge upto Mindhola river, area of Choryasi Taluka falling on the east side of Ahmedabad-Mumbai Railway line and South of Surat-Bhusaval line upto Road No-2 of GIDC, Sachin.

State Name: Gujarat

GST State Code: 24

GST Zone: Vadodara

GST Commissionerate: Surat

GST Division: Division-VII NAVSARI

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
RANGE-I NAVSARI NAVSARI Taluka (Other than Area falling under Kabilpore Range i.e.Range-II).
RANGE-III JALALPORE Jalalpore Taluka of NAVSARI District.
RANGE-IV GANDEVI GandeviTaluka (Excluding Antalia GIDC) of NAVSARI District.
RANGE-V CHIKHLI Vansada, Chikhli & Khergam Talukas of NAVSARI District & Antalia GIDC.