State Code: 27
State Name: Maharashtra
Region Name: Aurangabad
Division Name: Osmanabad
District Name: LATUR
City: Andora
Pincode: 413507
Police Station: NA
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Pune
GST Commissionerate: Goa
GST Division: Division-III Area covered under PIN codes 403115, 403401, 403402, 403403, 403404, 403103 & 403107 of Ponda Taluka and PIN codes 403406, 403407, 403409 & PIN code 403410 of DarbAndora Taluka
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
Range-I (Kundaim-I) | All Taxpayers haVIng their name with first Alphabet as A to P covered under PIN code 403115 of Ponda Taluka |
Range-II (Kundaim-II) | All Taxpayers haVIng their name with first Alphabet as Q to Z covered under area PIN code 403115 of Ponda Taluka |
Range-III (Ponda) | All Taxpayers falling in PIN codes 403401 and 403103 of Ponda Taluka |
Range-IV (Usgaon) | All Taxpayers falling in PIN codes 403406, 403407, 403409 and 403410 of DarbAndora Taluka |
Range-V (Madkaim) | All Taxpayers falling in PIN codes 403402, 403403, 403404 & 403107 of Ponda Taluka |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Aurangabad
GST Division: Customs Aurangabad
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE IV | All Customs work including factory stuffing in areas in the districts of Nanded, Hingoli & LATUR. |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Aurangabad
GST Division: Division Nanded
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE LATUR RURAL | All other Tehsils of LATUR District excluding areas falling under Range LATUR (Urban). |
RANGE LATUR URBAN | LATUR Tehsil including Municipal limit of LATUR Tehsil in LATUR District. |