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Quick Enquiry

Pincode 413507

State Code: 27

State Name: Maharashtra

Region Name: Aurangabad

Division Name: Osmanabad

District Name: LATUR

City: Andora

Pincode: 413507

Police Station: NA

List of GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Pune

GST Commissionerate: Goa

GST Division: Division-III Area covered under PIN codes 403115, 403401, 403402, 403403, 403404, 403103 & 403107 of Ponda Taluka and PIN codes 403406, 403407, 403409 & PIN code 403410 of DarbAndora Taluka

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Range-I (Kundaim-I) All Taxpayers haVIng their name with first Alphabet as A to P covered under PIN code 403115 of Ponda Taluka
Range-II (Kundaim-II) All Taxpayers haVIng their name with first Alphabet as Q to Z covered under area PIN code 403115 of Ponda Taluka
Range-III (Ponda) All Taxpayers falling in PIN codes 403401 and 403103 of Ponda Taluka
Range-IV (Usgaon) All Taxpayers falling in PIN codes 403406, 403407, 403409 and 403410 of DarbAndora Taluka
Range-V (Madkaim) All Taxpayers falling in PIN codes 403402, 403403, 403404 & 403107 of Ponda Taluka

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Nagpur

GST Commissionerate: Aurangabad

GST Division: Customs Aurangabad

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
RANGE IV All Customs work including factory stuffing in areas in the districts of Nanded, Hingoli & LATUR.

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Nagpur

GST Commissionerate: Aurangabad

GST Division: Division Nanded

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
RANGE LATUR RURAL All other Tehsils of LATUR District excluding areas falling under Range LATUR (Urban).
RANGE LATUR URBAN LATUR Tehsil including Municipal limit of LATUR Tehsil in LATUR District.