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Pincode 415807

State Code: 27

State Name: Maharashtra

Region Name: Goa-Panaji

Division Name: RATNAGIRI

District Name: RATNAGIRI

City: Devale

Pincode: 415807

Police Station: NA

List of GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Pune

GST Commissionerate: Kolhapur

GST Division: Division ? V (RATNAGIRI) RATNAGIRI & Sindhudurg Districts covered by PIN codes 415202, 415203, 415208, 415214, 415605, 415613, 415617, 415634, 415701 to 415703, 415705, 415706, 415711 to 415714, 415716, 415717, 415719, 415720, 415724, 415726, to 415729, 415704, 415730, 415621, 415640, 415708 to 415710, 415715, 415718, 415722, 416707, 415601 to 415604, 416705, 415606 to 415612, 415620, 415628, 415637, 415639, 415641, 415801, 415803, 415804, 415807, 416702, 416709, 416712, 416713, 415614 to 415616, 416701, 415619, 415806, 415626, 415629, 415805, 415802, 415643, 416703, 416704, 415630, 416510 to 416525, 416528, 416529, 416531, 416534, 416549, 416550, 416601 to 416606, 416608 to 416616, 416620, 416623, 416626, 416628, 416630, 416632, 416813, 416801, 416803 to 416807, 416810 to 416812, 416530, 416538, 416541, 416622

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Range-I Area covered by PIN codes 415202, 415203, 415208, 415214, 415605, 415613, 415617, 415634, 415701 to 415703, 415705, 415706, 415711 to 415714, 415716, 415717, 415719, 415720, 415724, 415726, to 415729, 415704
Range-II Area covered by PIN codes 415730, 415621, 415640, 415708 to 415710, 415715, 415718, 415722
Range-III Area covered by PIN codes 416707, 415601 to 415604, 416705, 415606 to 415612, 415620, 415628, 415637, 415639, 415641, 415801, 415803, 415804, 415807, 416702
Range-IV Area covered by PIN codes 416709, 416712, 416713, 415614 to 415616, 416701, 415619, 415806, 415626, 415629, 415805, 415802, 415643, 416703, 416704, 415630
Range-V Area covered by PIN codes 416510 to 416525, 416528, 416529, 416531, 416534, 416549, 416550, 416601 to 416606, 416608 to 416616, 416620, 416623, 416626, 416628, 416630, 416632, 416813, 416801, 416803 to 416807, 416810 to 416812, 416530, 416538, 416541, 416622