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Quick Enquiry

Pincode 416216

State Code: 27

State Name: Maharashtra

Region Name: Goa-Panaji

Division Name: Kolhapur

District Name: Kolhapur

City: Gorambe

Pincode: 416216

Police Station: NA

List of GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Pune

GST Commissionerate: Kolhapur

GST Division: Division ? III (Kolhapur-II) Karveer Taluka, Kagal Taluka, Gaganbavada Taluka, Radhanagari Taluka, Bhudargad Taluka, Ajara Taluka, Gadhinglaj Taluka, Chandgad Taluka of Kolhapur District covered by PIN codes 416003 to 416008, 416001, 416002, 416010 to 416012, 416502, 416217, 416208, 416209, 416211, 416212, 416216, 416218, 416219, 416221, 416223, 416232, 416235, 416236, 416013, 416119, 416526, 416206, 416207, 416210, 416228, 416234, 416231, 416224, 416551, 416552, 416503, to 416509, 416527, 416501, 416536, 416220.

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Range-I Area covered by PIN codes 416003 to 416006, 416007 and 416008
Range-II Area covered by PIN codes 416001, 416002, 416010 to 416012
Range-III Area covered by PIN codes 416502, 416217, 416208, 416209, 416211, 416216,416218, 416219, 416221, 416232, 416235, 416236
Range-IV Area covered by PIN codes 416013, 416119,416212, 416234, 416526, 416206, 416207, 416210, 416228, 416231, 416224
Range-V Area covered by PIN codes 416551, 416552, 416503, to 416509, 416527, 416501, 416536, 416220, 416209, 416223