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Quick Enquiry

Pincode 416302

State Code: 27

State Name: Maharashtra

Region Name: Goa-Panaji

Division Name: SANGLI

District Name: Sangli

City: Koregaon

Pincode: 416302

Police Station: KOREGAON

List of GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Pune

GST Commissionerate: Pune -I

GST Division: Division-VI (Koregaon Park) The area covered by PIN codes 411001, 411013, 411036, 412110, 412201, 412202 and 412307 in Haveli Taluka of Pune District

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Range-I All Taxpayers haVIng their name starting with a special character/numeric/alpha-numeric All Taxpayers haVIng their name with first Alphabet as A, B and C
Range-II All Taxpayers haVIng their name with first Alphabet as D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K and L
Range-III All Taxpayers haVIng their name with first Alphabet as M, N, O, P and Q
Range-IV All Taxpayers haVIng their name with first Alphabet as S
Range-V All Taxpayers haVIng their name with first Alphabet as R, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Pune

GST Commissionerate: Kolhapur

GST Division: Division ? IV (Sangli) The entire area of Sangli District covered by PIN codes 416301, 416304, to 416306, 416406, 416416, 416417, 416315, 416415, 416414, 416401, 416436, 416407 to 416410, 416418, 416420, 416437, 416317, 415303, 415305, 415311, 415313, 415410, 416303, 416405, 416307 to 416314, 416316, 416319 to 416321, 416421 to 416423, 416425, 416426, 416428, 416429, 415301, 416419, 415304, 416413, 415306 to 415310, 416403, 415315, 415401, 415408, 416411, 416412, 416404, 416402, 415416, 415417, 415418, 415302, 416302, 415413 to 415415, 415402 to 415407, 415412, 415409, 415411.

GST Range GST Jurisdiction