State Code: 27
State Name: Maharashtra
Region Name: Navi Mumbai
Division Name: Malegaon
District Name: NA
City: Dongargaon
Pincode: 423110
Police Station: DONGARGAON
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Pune
GST Commissionerate: Pune -I
GST Division: Division-I (Talegaon) The area covered by PIN codes 410301, 410302, 410401, 410402, 410403, 410405, 410406, 410506, 410507, 412106 of Maval taluka and PIN codes 412101, 412109, 411019, 411035, 411044 and 411062 of Haveli Taluka of Pune District
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
Range-I | All Taxpayers haVIng their NAme starting with a special character/numeric/alpha-numeric All Taxpayers haVIng their NAme with first Alphabet as A, B and C |
Range-II | All Taxpayers haVIng their NAme with first Alphabet as D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K and L |
Range-III | All Taxpayers haVIng their NAme with first Alphabet as M, N, O, P and Q |
Range-IV | All Taxpayers haVIng their NAme with first Alphabet as S |
Range-V | All Taxpayers haVIng their NAme with first Alphabet as R, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Pune
GST Commissionerate: Pune -I
GST Division: Division-II (Pimpri) The area covered by PIN codes 411033, 412108, 412112, 412115 of Mulshi Taluka and PIN codes 411017 411018, 411054 411057 of Haveli Taluka of Pune District
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Pune
GST Commissionerate: Pune -I
GST Division: Division-III (Bhosari) The area covered by PIN codes 411010, 411012, 411026, 411027, 411031, 411034, 411039, 411050, 411053, 411056, 411059 and 411061 of Haveli Taluka of Pune District
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Pune
GST Commissionerate: Pune -I
GST Division: Division-IV (Chakan) The area covered by PIN codes 410503, 412408, 410509, 410516, 410515, 410510, 410512, 410504, 410508, 412405 and 412406 of Ambegaon Taluka and PIN code 412410, 412411, 412401, 410502, 412409, 412412, 410511 of JunNAr Taluka and PIN codes 410505, 410513 412402, 412404, 410501 and 412105 of Khed Taluka of Pune District
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Pune
GST Commissionerate: Pune -I
GST Division: Division-V (VIman NAgar) The area covered by PIN codes 411006, 412216, 412207, 411014, 411015, 411032 and 411047 in Haveli Taluka of Pune District
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Pune
GST Commissionerate: Pune -I
GST Division: Division-VI (Koregaon Park) The area covered by PIN codes 411001, 411013, 411036, 412110, 412201, 412202 and 412307 in Haveli Taluka of Pune District
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Pune
GST Commissionerate: Pune -I
GST Division: Division VII (Shirur) The area covered by PIN codes 412208, 412209, 412210, 412211, 412218 412220 and 412403 in Shirur Taluka of Pune District
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
Range-VI | All Taxpayers haVIng their NAme with first Alphabet as I, J, K, L, X, Y and Z |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Pune
GST Commissionerate: Pune -II
GST Division: Division-I (ShIVaji NAgar) The area covered by PIN codes 411002, 411003, 411005, 411011 and 411020 of Haveli Taluka of Pune District
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Pune
GST Commissionerate: Pune -II
GST Division: Division-II (Swargate) The area covered by PIN codes 411009, 411030 and 411042 of Haveli Taluka of Pune District
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Pune
GST Commissionerate: Pune -II
GST Division: Division-III (Deccan) The area covered by PIN codes 411004, 411007 and 411016 of Haveli Taluka of Pune District
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Pune
GST Commissionerate: Pune -II
GST Division: Division-IV (Kothrud) The area covered by PIN codes 411008, 411038, 411052 and 411058 of Haveli Taluka of Pune District
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Pune
GST Commissionerate: Pune -II
GST Division: Division-V (Khadakwasla) The area covered by PIN codes 411021, 411023, 411024, 411025, 411045 and 412205 of Haveli Taluka, entire Bhor Taluka (PIN codes 412206,412213) and Velhe Taluka (PIN codes 412107, 412212 and 412213) of Pune District.
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Pune
GST Commissionerate: Pune-II (Solapur Sub-Commissionerate)
GST Division: Division-VI (Hadapsar) The area covered by PIN codes 411022, 411028, 411040, 411048, 411060 and 412308 of Haveli Taluka of Pune District
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Pune
GST Commissionerate: Pune-II (Solapur Sub-Commissionerate)
GST Division: Division VII (Katraj) The area covered by PIN codes 411037, 411041, 411043, 411051 and 411046 of Haveli Taluka of Pune District
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Pune
GST Commissionerate: Goa
GST Division: Division-II Area covered under PIN code 403001, 403002, 403004, 403005, 403006, 403102, 403104, 403108, 403110, 403201, 403202, 403203, 403204, 403206, 403402, 403403 of Tiswadi Taluka
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Pune
GST Commissionerate: Goa
GST Division: Division-III Area covered under PIN codes 403115, 403401, 403402, 403403, 403404, 403103 & 403107 of Ponda Taluka and PIN codes 403406, 403407, 403409 & PIN code 403410 of Darbandora Taluka
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
Range-I (Kundaim-I) | All Taxpayers haVIng their NAme with first Alphabet as A to P covered under PIN code 403115 of Ponda Taluka |
Range-II (Kundaim-II) | All Taxpayers haVIng their NAme with first Alphabet as Q to Z covered under area PIN code 403115 of Ponda Taluka |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Pune
GST Commissionerate: Goa
GST Division: Division-IV Area covered under PIN codes 403801 to 403808 of Marmagoa Taluka and area covered under PIN codes 403710, 403711, 403718, 403722 & PIN code 403726 of Salcete Taluka.
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
Range-I (Vasco) | All Taxpayers haVIng their NAme with first Alphabet as A toM covered by PIN code 403802 of Marmagoa Taluka |
Range-II (Sancoale) | All Taxpayers haVIng their NAme with first Alphabet as N to Z covered by PIN code 403802 of Marmagoa Taluka |
Range-IV (Verna North) | All Taxpayers haVIng their NAme with first Alphabet as A to M covered under PIN code 403722 of Salcete Taluka |
Range-V (Verna South) | All Taxpayers haVIng their NAme with first Alphabet as N to Z covered under PIN code 403722 of Salcete Taluka |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Pune
GST Commissionerate: Goa
GST Division: Division-V Area covered under Sanguem, Quepem, CaNAcoNA Talukas and the PIN codes 403601, 403701, 403716, 403731, 403714, 403715, 403708, 403717, 403725, 403602, 403713, 403707, 403604, 403724, 403721 and 403723 of Salcete Taluka and in PIN codes 403702 to 403706
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
Range-I (Madgaon-I) | All Taxpayers haVIng their NAme with first Alphabet as A toM covered under PIN codes 403601, 403602, 403707 & 403604 of Salcete Taluka |
Range-II (Madgaon-II) | All Taxpayers haVIng their NAme with first Alphabet as N to Z covered under area PIN codes 403601, 403602, 403707 & 403604 of Salcete Taluka |
Range-V (Quepem) | All Taxpayers falling in PIN codes 403702, 403703, 403704, 403705, & 403706 and any other PIN code cover under Sanguem, Quepem and CaNAcoNA Talukas |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Aurangabad
GST Division: Aurangabad Urban
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE CITY-I | NAme of the assessees starting with alphabet "A to J and Numerals 86 Symbols" of Aurangabad Tehsil including Municipal limits of Aurangabad but excluding Shendra MIDC & ChikalthaNA MIDC areas. |
RANGE CITY-II | NAme of the assessees starting with alphabet "K to R" in Aurangabad Tehsil including Municipal limits of Aurangabad but excluding Shendra MIDC & ChikalthaNA MIDC areas. |
RANGE CITY-III | NAme of the assessees starting with alphabet "S to Z" in Aurangabad Tehsil including Municipal limits of Aurangabad but excluding Shendra MIDC & ChikalthaNA MIDC areas. |
RANGE- CHIKALTHANA | ChikalthaNA MIDC in Aurangabad Tehsil. |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Aurangabad
GST Division: Customs Aurangabad
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE III | All Customs work including factory stuffing in the districts of JalNA, Parbhani, Beed & OsmaNAbad. |
RANGE IV | All Customs work including factory stuffing in areas in the districts of NAnded, Hingoli & Latur. |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Aurangabad
GST Division: Division Aurangabad Rural
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE- SILOD | Sillod, Phulambri, Soyegaon, Khuldabad and KanNAd Tehsils of Aurangabad District. |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Aurangabad
GST Division: Division JalNA
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE -OSMANABAD | OsmaNAbad District. |
RANGE JALNA RURAL | All other Tehsils of JalNA District excluding areas falling under Range JalNA (Urban). |
RANGE JALNA URBAN | JalNA Tehsil including Municipal limit of JalNA Tehsil in JalNA District. |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Aurangabad
GST Division: Division NAnded
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE NANDED RURAL | All other Tehsils of NAnded District excluding areas falling under Range NAnded (Urban). |
RANGE NANDED URBAN | NAnded Tehsil including Municipal limit of NAnded Tehsil in NAnded District. |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nagpur I
GST Division: Customs NAgpur-I
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE I | All Customs related works including Factory stuffing in following areas: (A) Area covered by Municipal limits of NAgpur city lying south of interconnected Sections of NAtioNAl Highway/State Highway/InterNAl Roads as under: (i) Section of NAtioNAl Highway 6 from Wadi end till Variety Square, (II) Section of NAtioNAl Highway 7 connecting Variety Square and Panchsheel Square, (III) Sections of InterNAl Roads connecting Panchsheel Square and Ashok Square VIa Dhantoli Police station and BaidyaNAth Square, (iv) Section of State Highway 9 from Ashok Square towards Umrer. (B) (i) Parts of NAgpur (Rural) Tehsil adjoining Tehsils of HingNA, NAgpur (Urban), Kamptee, Umrer and Kuhi of NAgpur District, (II) Tehsils of HingNA, Umrer, Bhiwapur and Kuhi of NAgpur District. |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nagpur I
GST Division: Division Chandrapur
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE CHANDRAPUR | Tehsil of Chandrapur, Municipal limits of Chandrapur city and Tehsil of KorpaNA in Chandrapur District |
RANGE MUL | Tehsils of Mul, PombhurNA, Sawali and Sindevahi in Chandrapur District |
RANGE WARORA | Tehsils of Warora, Chimur, NAgbhir, Brahmapuri and Bhadravati in Chandrapur District |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nagpur I
GST Division: Division City
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE II | Assessees located in jurisdiction of Division City whose NAme start with alphabets E to L, |
RANGE V | Assessees located in jurisdiction of Division City whose NAme start with alphabets R, T to Z, Numerals and Symbols. |
RANGE -I | Assessees located in jurisdiction of Division City whose NAme start with alphabets A to D, |
RANGE -II | Assessees located in jurisdiction of Division City whose NAme start with alphabets E to L, |
RANGE -III | Assessees located in jurisdiction of Division City whose NAme start with alphabets M to P, |
RANGE-IV | Assessees located in jurisdiction of Division City whose NAme start with alphabets Q and S, |
RANGE-V | Assessees located in jurisdiction of Division City whose NAme start with alphabets R, T to Z, Numerals and Symbols. |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nagpur I
GST Division: Division HingNA
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE BUTIBORI I | MIDC, Butibori in HingNA Tehsil of NAgpur District covering left side of 60ft Main road of MIDC starting from NH7 going towards Tembhri VIllage |
RANGE BUTIBORI II | MIDC Butibori in HingNA Tehsil of NAgpur District covering right side of 60ft Main road of MIDC starting from NH7 going towards Tembhri VIllage |
RANGE HINGNA | (i) MIDC HingNA in HingNA Tehsil of NAgpur District (II) All other areas of HingNA Tehsil not falling in jurisdiction of Range Butibori I, Range Butibori II and MIDC, HingNA; |
RANGE UMRER | (i) Tehsils of Umrer, Bhiwapur and Kuhi of NAgpur District; and (II) Parts of NAgpur (Rural) Tehsil adjoining Tehsils of HingNA, NAgpur (Urban), Kamptee, Umrer and Kuhi of NAgpur District |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nagpur II
GST Division: Customs NAgpur-II
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nagpur II
GST Division: Division Akola
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nagpur II
GST Division: Division Amravati
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE AMRAVATI-II | Tehsils of Warud, Morshi, Teosa, Dhamangaon Railway, Chandur Railway and NAndgaon-Khandeshwar in Amravati District. |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nagpur II
GST Division: Division Kalmeshwar
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE KALMESHWAR | (i) Kalmeshwar Tehsil in NAgpur District; and (II) Parts of NAgpur (Rural) Tehsil excluding the areas covered by Central Tax Commissionerate, NAgpur-I. |
RANGE KAMPTEE | Tehsils of Kamptee and Parseoni in NAgpur District. |
RANGE MOUDA | Tehsils of Mauda and Ramtek in NAgpur District. |
RANGE SAONER | Tehsils of Saoner, NArkhed and Katol in NAgpur District. |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nashik
GST Division: AhmedNAgar
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
AHMEDNAGAR-I RANGE | Area of AhmedNAgar Tehsil/ Taluka, including area of AhmedNAgar Municipal Corporation, lying in the West of Manmad-Pune Road, starting from NAndgaon Shingave till Kamargaon VIa Patrakar Chowk, Sarjepura Chowk , Bhingarwala Chowk, Parsha Khunt, Daware Gali Chowk and Kothi Chowk in AhmedNAgar City. |
AHMEDNAGAR-II RANGE | Area of AhmedNAgar Tehsil/ Taluka, including area of AhmedNAgar Municipal Corporation, lying in the East of Manmad-Pune Road, starting from NAndgaon Shingave till Kamargaon VIa Patrakar Chowk, Sarjepura Chowk , Bhingarwala Chowk , Parsha Khunt, Daware Gali Chowk and Kothi Chowk in AhmedNAgar City. |
PARNER RANGE | Tehsils/Talukas of Parner, Shrigonda, Karjat and Jamkhed of AhmedNAgar District. |
SANGAMNER RANGE | Tehsils/Talukas of Sangamner and Akole of AhmedNAgar District |
SHIRDI RANGE | Tehsils/Talukas of Kopargaon, Rahuri, Rahata, Shrirampur, Nevasa, Pathardi and Shevgaon of AhmedNAgar District. |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nashik
GST Division: Customs Jalgaon
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nashik
GST Division: Customs NAshik
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nashik
GST Division: Dhule
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
NANDURBAR RANGE | NAndurbar District. |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nashik
GST Division: Jalgaon
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
BHUSAWAL RANGE | Area of Tehsils/Talukas of Bhusawal, Yaval, Raver, MuktaiNAgar, Bodwad and Jamner of Jalgaon District. |
JALGAON -II RANGE | Area of Jalgaon Tehsil/ Taluka, including the area of Jalgaon Municipal Corporation, lying in the South of Dhule-NAgpur Highway (NH6), and the area of Erandol Tehsil of Jalgaon District. |
JALGAON-I RANGE | Area of Jalgaon Tehsil/ Taluka, including the area of Jalgaon Municipal Corporation, lying in the North of Dhule-NAgpur Highway (NH6). |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nashik
GST Division: NAshik-I
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
GODAVARI RANGE | Area of NAshik Tehsil/Taluka, including area of NAshik Municipal Corporation, between Trimbakeshwar Road and Godavari River bound by Old Agra Road starting from Trimbak NAka to Ahilyabai Holkar (VIctoria) Bridge but excluding Satpur, MIDC area. |
MALEGAON RANGE | Tehsils/Talukas of Malegaon, Deola, Kalwan and Baglan of NAshik District. |
PANCHVATI RANGE | Area of NAshik Tehsil/ Taluka, including the area of NAshik Municipal Corporation, lying in the North of Godavari River, the area situated in the North of Old Agra Road from Ahilyabai Holkar (VIctoria) Bridge till Adgaon NAka and the area in the North of Mumbai Agra Highway from Adgaon NAka onwards. |
TRIMBAKESHWAR RANGE | Tehsils/ Talukas of Trimbakeshwar, Dindori, Peth and SurgaNA of NAshik District. |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nashik
GST Division: NAshik-II
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
MANMAD RANGE | Tehsils/Talukas of NAndgaon and Yeola of NAshik District. |
NIPHAD RANGE | Tehsils/Talukas of Niphad and Chandwad of NAshik District. |
SINNAR RANGE | Tehsil/Taluka of SinNAr of NAshik District. |
TAPOVAN RANGE | Igatpuri Tehsil/Taluka and the area of NAshik Tehsil/ Taluka, including the area of NAshik Municipal Corporation, situated in the South of Trimbakeshwar Road and South East of Old Agra Road starting from Trimbak NAka to Adgaon NAka and the area in the South of Mumbai-Agra-Highway from Adgaon NAka onwards excluding area of Ambad MIDC. |