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Pincode 425406

State Code: 27

State Name: Maharashtra

Region Name: Aurangabad

Division Name: Dhule

District Name: DHULE

City: Hol

Pincode: 425406

Police Station: NA

List of GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Pune

GST Commissionerate: Pune-II (Solapur Sub-Commissionerate)

GST Division: Division -VIII (Solapur) The entire area of District of Solapur haVIng PIN codes 413001 to 413008, 413208 to 413228, 413248, 413253, 413255, 413101, 413107 to 413109, 413111 to 413113, 413118, 413301 to 413310, 413314, 413315, 413317, 413319, 413322, 413202, 413203, 413206, 413250 to 413252, 413401 to 413404, 413406, 413409 to 413412 falling under the jurisdiction of Solapur district.

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Range-III All Taxpayers falling in MoHol Taluka and North Solapur Taluka haVIng PIN codes 413213, 413214, 413222, 413248, 413253 413255, 413303 and 413324

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Pune

GST Commissionerate: Goa

GST Division: Division-I Area covered by PIN code 403512 of Pernem Taluka, PIN codes 403504 and 403529 of BicHolim Taluka, PIN codes 403114, 403507, 403510, 403511, 403513, 403515, 403516, 403521 & 403526 of Bardez Taluka and PIN codes 403506, 403505, 403110, 403530 of Sattari Taluka. The territorial waters and the sea bed and sub soil underlying such waters from where the nearest point of the appropriate baseline is located in the state of Goa.

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Range-I (Bicholim) All Taxpayers falling in PIN codes 403504, 403529 of BicHolim Taluka & PIN codes 403110, 403505, 403506 and 403530 of Sattari Taluka

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Nagpur

GST Commissionerate: Nashik

GST Division: Customs Jalgaon

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
RANGE I All Customs work including factory stuffing in the districts of DHULE and Nandurbar in the State of Maharashtra.

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Nagpur

GST Commissionerate: Nashik

GST Division: DHULE

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
DHULE-I RANGE Area of DHULE Tehsil/ Taluka, other than covered in the area of Municipal Corporation of DHULE, lying in the West of Mumbai-Agra Highway, the area of Municipal Corporation of DHULE lying in the West of Old Mumbai-Agra Road and the entire area of Sakri Tehsil/Taluka of DHULE District.
DHULE-II RANGE Area of DHULE Tehsil/ Taluka, other than covered in the area of Municipal Corporation of DHULE, lying in the East of Mumbai-Agra Highway and the area of Municipal Corporation of DHULE lying in the East of Old Mumbai-Agra Road
NANDURBAR RANGE Nandurbar District.
SHINDKHEDA RANGE Shindkheda Tehsil/Taluka of DHULE District.
SHIRPUR RANGE Shirpur Tehsil/Taluka of DHULE District.

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Nagpur

GST Commissionerate: Nashik

GST Division: Jalgaon

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
JALGAON -II RANGE Area of Jalgaon Tehsil/ Taluka, including the area of Jalgaon Municipal Corporation, lying in the South of DHULE-Nagpur Highway (NH6), and the area of Erandol Tehsil of Jalgaon District.
JALGAON-I RANGE Area of Jalgaon Tehsil/ Taluka, including the area of Jalgaon Municipal Corporation, lying in the North of DHULE-Nagpur Highway (NH6).

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Nagpur

GST Commissionerate: Nashik

GST Division: Nashik-I

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
GODAVARI RANGE Area of Nashik Tehsil/Taluka, including area of Nashik Municipal Corporation, between Trimbakeshwar Road and Godavari River bound by Old Agra Road starting from Trimbak Naka to Ahilyabai Holkar (VIctoria) Bridge but excluding Satpur, MIDC area.
PANCHVATI RANGE Area of Nashik Tehsil/ Taluka, including the area of Nashik Municipal Corporation, lying in the North of Godavari River, the area situated in the North of Old Agra Road from Ahilyabai Holkar (VIctoria) Bridge till Adgaon Naka and the area in the North of Mumbai Agra Highway from Adgaon Naka onwards.