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Quick Enquiry

Pincode 443404

State Code: 27

State Name: Maharashtra

Region Name: Nagpur

Division Name: Buldana

District Name: BULDHANA

City: Wadi

Pincode: 443404

Police Station: WADI

List of GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Pune

GST Commissionerate: Kolhapur

GST Division: Division ? II (Kolhapur-I) ShahuWadi, Panhala, Shirol and Hatkanangle Talukas of Kolhapur District covered by PIN codes 415101, 416112 to 416114, 416201, 416204, 416205, 416213 to 416215, 416229, 416230, 416202, 416203, 416101 to 416108, 416111, 416120, 416146, 416143, 416144, 416130, 416127, 416134, 416115, 416116, 416121, 416122, 416129, 416109, 416110, 416118, 416138,416212,416218,416223

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Range-I Area covered by PIN codes 415101, 416112 to 416114, 416201, 416204, 416205, 416213 to 416215, 416229, 416230, 416202, 416203
Range-II Area covered by PIN codes 416101 to 416108, 416111, 416120, 416146, 416143, 416144, 416130, 416127, 416134
Range-III Area covered by PIN code 416115
Range-IV Area covered by PIN codes 416116, 416121, 416129
Range-V Area covered by PIN codes 416109, 416110,416122, 416218, 416212, 416118, 416138, 416223

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Pune

GST Commissionerate: Goa

GST Division: Division-II Area covered under PIN code 403001, 403002, 403004, 403005, 403006, 403102, 403104, 403108, 403110, 403201, 403202, 403203, 403204, 403206, 403402, 403403 of TisWadi Taluka

GST Range GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Nagpur

GST Commissionerate: Nagpur I

GST Division: Customs Nagpur-I

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
RANGE I All Customs related works including Factory stuffing in following areas: (A) Area covered by Municipal limits of Nagpur city lying south of interconnected Sections of National Highway/State Highway/Internal Roads as under: (i) Section of National Highway 6 from Wadi end till Variety Square, (II) Section of National Highway 7 connecting Variety Square and Panchsheel Square, (III) Sections of Internal Roads connecting Panchsheel Square and Ashok Square VIa Dhantoli Police station and Baidyanath Square, (iv) Section of State Highway 9 from Ashok Square towards Umrer. (B) (i) Parts of Nagpur (Rural) Tehsil adjoining Tehsils of Hingna, Nagpur (Urban), Kamptee, Umrer and Kuhi of Nagpur District, (II) Tehsils of Hingna, Umrer, Bhiwapur and Kuhi of Nagpur District.

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Nagpur

GST Commissionerate: Nagpur II

GST Division: Customs Nagpur-II

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
RANGE V All Customs related works including Factory stuffing in the Districts of Akola, Washim and BULDHANA in state of Maharashtra.

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Nagpur

GST Commissionerate: Nagpur II

GST Division: Division Akola

GST Range GST Jurisdiction