State Code: 27
State Name: Maharashtra
Region Name: Nagpur
Division Name: Amaravati
District Name: AMRAVATI
City: Ashti
Pincode: 444801
Police Station: ASHTI
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nagpur I
GST Division: Customs Nagpur-I
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE II | All Customs related works including Factory stuffing in the District of Wardha (Excluding Tehsils of Ashti, Arviand Karanja) |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nagpur I
GST Division: Division Hingna
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE WARDHA | District of Wardha (Excluding Tehsils of Ashti, Arviand Karanja) |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nagpur II
GST Division: Customs Nagpur-II
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE III | All Customs related works including Factory stuffing in Tehsils of Ashti, Arviand Karanja in Wardha District in state of Maharashtra. |
RANGE IV | All Customs related works including Factory stuffing in the Districts of AMRAVATI and Yavatmal in state of Maharashtra. |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nagpur II
GST Division: Division AMRAVATI
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE AMRAVATI-I | Tehsil of AMRAVATI, Municipal limits of AMRAVATI city and Tehsil of Bhatkuli in AMRAVATI District. |
RANGE AMRAVATI-II | Tehsils of Warud, Morshi, Teosa, Dhamangaon Railway, Chandur Railway and Nandgaon-Khandeshwar in AMRAVATI District. |
RANGE AMRAVATI-III | All other Tehsils (excluding areas falling in jurisdiction of Range AMRAVATI I and Range AMRAVATI II)) in AMRAVATI District. |
State Name: Maharashtra
GST State Code: 27
GST Zone: Nagpur
GST Commissionerate: Nagpur II
GST Division: Division Kalmeshwar
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |