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Pincode 444804

State Code: 27

State Name: Maharashtra

Region Name: Nagpur

Division Name: Amaravati

District Name: AMRAVATI

City: Rama

Pincode: 444804

Police Station: NA

List of GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Pune

GST Commissionerate: Pune-II (Solapur Sub-Commissionerate)

GST Division: Division -IX (BaRamati) The entire area falling under Talukas of BaRamati in area of PIN codes 412102, 412103, 412204, 412304, 412306, 413102, 413104, 413110, 413115, 413116, 413130 and 413133, Purandar haVIng PIN codes 412104, 412, 205, 412301, 412303, 412305, 412311 and 412312, Indapur haVIng PIN codes 413103, 413106, 413114, 413120, 413132 and Daund haVIng PIN codes 412203, 412214, 412215, 412219, 413105, 413801, and 413802 (except the area falling in PIN code 412202 and 412207) of Pune District.

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Range-I All Taxpayers falling in area of PIN codes 413102, 413116, 412102, 412103, 412306, 413115 of BaRamati Taluka
Range-II All Taxpayers falling in area of PIN codes 413133, 412204, 412304, 413104, 413130, 413110 of BaRamati Taluka

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Nagpur

GST Commissionerate: Nagpur II

GST Division: Customs Nagpur-II

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
RANGE IV All Customs related works including Factory stuffing in the Districts of AMRAVATI and Yavatmal in state of Maharashtra.

State Name: Maharashtra

GST State Code: 27

GST Zone: Nagpur

GST Commissionerate: Nagpur II

GST Division: Division AMRAVATI

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
RANGE AMRAVATI-I Tehsil of AMRAVATI, Municipal limits of AMRAVATI city and Tehsil of Bhatkuli in AMRAVATI District.
RANGE AMRAVATI-II Tehsils of Warud, Morshi, Teosa, Dhamangaon Railway, Chandur Railway and Nandgaon-Khandeshwar in AMRAVATI District.
RANGE AMRAVATI-III All other Tehsils (excluding areas falling in jurisdiction of Range AMRAVATI I and Range AMRAVATI II)) in AMRAVATI District.