State Code: 23
State Name: Madhya Pradesh
Region Name: Indore
Division Name: Sehore
District Name: RAJGARH
City: Khujner
Pincode: 465687
Police Station: KHUJNER
State Name: Madhya Pradesh
GST State Code: 23
GST Zone: Bhopal
GST Commissionerate: Bhopal
GST Division: Bhopal-IV
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE-RAJGARH. | Whole of RAJGARH District. |
State Name: Madhya Pradesh
GST State Code: 23
GST Zone: Bhopal
GST Commissionerate: Bhopal
GST Division: Bhopal Customs
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE - SEHORE. | Entire District of Sehore and RAJGARH excluding Budhni tehsil of Sehore district. |