State Code: 23
State Name: Madhya Pradesh
Region Name: NA
Division Name: Sagar
District Name: DAMOH
City: Sigrampur
Pincode: 470881
Police Station: NA
State Name: Madhya Pradesh
GST State Code: 23
GST Zone: Bhopal
GST Commissionerate: Bhopal
GST Division: Sagar.
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE - II, SAGAR. | Area of Sagar Municipal Corporation south of Bina- DAMOH Railway Line constiting of Wards No. 1 to 14 and 24 to 48. Raheli, Deori and Kesli Tehsils of Sagar District. |
RANGE - III, SAGAR. | Area of Sagar Municipal Corporation north of Bina-DAMOH Railway line consisting of Wards No. 15 to 23; Cantonment Area Sagar, Sadar Bazar Sagar, Whole of Sagar Tehsil of Sagar District (except the area of Sagar Municipal Corporation included in Range I & II, Industrial Area, Sagar and Jaisinagar, Chanatoria and Parsoria revenue circles of Sagar Tehsil), |
State Name: Madhya Pradesh
GST State Code: 23
GST Zone: Bhopal
GST Commissionerate: Jabalpur
GST Division: DAMOH
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE - I, DAMOH | Whole of DAMOH, Jabera & Tendukhera tehsil of DAMOH District. |
RANGE - II, DAMOH | Hatta , Patharia, Patera Batiyagrh tehsil of DAMOH District. |
RANGE - PANNA | Whole Panna district except Purena Industrial Area of Panna Disctrict. |
RANGE - CHHATTARPUR | Whole Chhatarpur District. |
RANGE - TIKAMGARH | Whole Tikamgarh District. |
State Name: Madhya Pradesh
GST State Code: 23
GST Zone: Bhopal
GST Commissionerate: Jabalpur
GST Division: Customs, Jabalpur
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
CUSTOMS RANGE - VI | Whole of DAMOH, Panna (except Purena Industrial area), Chhatarpur and Teekamgarh district. |