State Code: 23
State Name: Madhya Pradesh
Region Name: Indore
Division Name: Morena
District Name: SHEOPUR
City: Gadi
Pincode: 476332
Police Station: NA
State Name: Madhya Pradesh
GST State Code: 23
GST Zone: Bhopal
GST Commissionerate: Bhopal
GST Division: Gwalior-I
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE-SHEOPUR. | Entire area of Gwalior City and District Gwalior not covered under Range I to iv above and District SHEOPUR. |
State Name: Madhya Pradesh
GST State Code: 23
GST Zone: Bhopal
GST Commissionerate: Bhopal
GST Division: Bhopal Customs
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE - GWALIOR | Entire districts of Gwalior, Shivpuri, Datia, Morena, SHEOPUR, Guna & Ashok Nagar. |