State Code: 29
State Name: Karnataka
Region Name: South Karnataka
Division Name: Kolar
District Name: KOLAR
City: Ganjigunte
Pincode: 563125
Police Station: NA
State Name: Karnataka
GST State Code: 29
GST Zone: Bengaluru
GST Commissionerate: Bengaluru-North
GST Division: North-8 All Tax payers falling under the jurisdiction of Postal Pincodes 560063, 560064, 560106, 560300, 562110, 562149, 562157 and 563125,in Bengaluru Urban and Rural Districts.
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
ITC RANGE | M/s ITC Ltd. factory located at Jala Hobli of Bengaluru Rural District in the jurisdiction of PIN code 562157. |
RANGE-AND8 | All Tax Payers in the jurisdiction of North Division-8 whose names start with the alphabets "A" to "E", numericals and special characters. |
RANGE-BND8 | All Tax Payers in the jurisdiction of North Division-8 whose names start with the alphabets "F" to "L" except M/s ITC Ltd. |
RANGE-CND8 | All Tax Payers in the jurisdiction of North Division-8 whose names start with the alphabets "M" to "Q". |
RANGE-DND8 | All Tax Payers in the jurisdiction of North Division-8 whose names start with the alphabets "R", "T" to "Z and in respect of alphabet ?S?, other than mentioned in Range-END8. |
RANGE-END8 | All Tax Payers in the jurisdiction of North Division-8 whose names start with the alphabets "SA" to "ST". |