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Pincode 577514

State Code: 29

State Name: Karnataka

Region Name: South Karnataka

Division Name: Chitradurga

District Name: Davangere

City: Bada

Pincode: 577514

Police Station: NA

List of GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Karnataka

GST State Code: 29

GST Zone: Bengaluru

GST Commissionerate: Bengaluru-North West

GST Division: North West-7 Davangere All Tax payers falling under the jurisdiction of Postal Pincode 577001, 577002, 577003, 577004, 577005, 577006, 577213, 577215, 577217, 577218, 577219, 577221, 577223, 577224, 577230, 577231, 577512, 577513, 577514, 577516, 577518, 577523, 577525, 577528, 577530, 577534, 577544, 577551, 577552, 577553, 577556, 577566, 577589, 577601, 583125, 583127, 583131, 583137, 583213 and 577602, in Davangere District.Any other pin codes falling within the jurisdiction of Davangere District which are not mentioned specifically in the jurisdiction of any of the Commissionerates.

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
RANGE-ANWD7 All Tax Payers in the jurisdiction of North West Division-7 whose names start with the alphabets "A" to "E", numericals and special characters.
RANGE-BNWD7 All Tax Payers in the jurisdiction of North West Division-7 whose names start with the alphabets "F" to "L".
RANGE-CNWD7 All Tax Payers in the jurisdiction of North West Division-7 whose names start with the alphabets "M" to "Q".
RANGE-DNWD7 All Tax Payers in the jurisdiction of North West Division-7 whose names start with the alphabets "R","T" to "Z and in respect of alphabet ?S?, other than mentioned in Range-ENWD7.
RANGE-ENWD7 All Tax Payers in the jurisdiction of North West Division-7 whose names start with the alphabets "SA" to "ST".

State Name: Karnataka

GST State Code: 29

GST Zone: Bengaluru

GST Commissionerate: Mangalore

GST Division: Mangalore North

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
BAJPE RANGE The areas falling under VIllages, VIz., Badagaekkaru, Tenkaekkaru, Permude, Bajpe, Kenjaru and Malavuru of Surathkal Hobli of Mangalore revenue Taluk; and Adduru, Tenkaulipady, Badagaulipady, Mogaru, Mutturu, Kelenjaru, Kulavuru, Muchchuru, Kompadavu, Badagedapadvu, Tenkaedapadavu, Mooduperar, Paduperar, Adyapadi, Kolambe, Kandavara and Muluru of Gurupura Hobli of Mangalore revenue Taluk.

State Name: Karnataka

GST State Code: 29

GST Zone: Bengaluru

GST Commissionerate: Mangalore

GST Division: Udupi

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
UDUPI - EAST RANGE The area covered under the following revenue VIllages of Udupi Hobli of Udupi revenue Taluk:- (i) Athrady, (II) Herga, (III) Hirebettu, (iv) Bommarabettu, (v) Pernankila, (VI) Kudi, (VII) Anjaru, (VIII) Marne, (IX) Manipura, (x) 80 Badagabettu and (XI) Shivalli
UDUPI - WEST RANGE The area covered under the following revenue VIllages of Udupi Hobli of Udupi revenue Taluk:- (i) 76 Badagabettu, (II) Alevoor, (III)Korangrapady, (iv)Kutpady, (v) Udyavara, (VI)Kadekar, (VII) Kidiyoor, (VIII) Badanidiyoor, (IX) Tenkanidiyoor, (x) Kodavoor, (XI) Kelarkalabettu, (XII) Puttur (XIII) Ambalpady, and (Xiv) Moodanidambur.