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Pincode 641607

State Code: 33

State Name: Tamil Nadu

Region Name: Western Coimbatore

Division Name: Tirupur

District Name: TIRUPPUR

City: Sircarperiapalayam

Pincode: 641607

Police Station: NA

List of GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Tamil Nadu

GST State Code: 33

GST Zone: Chennai

GST Commissionerate: Coimbatore

GST Division: Tirupur

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
Annur Areas covering under Annur Taluk of Coimbatore District.
Tirupur - I Areas covering Ward Nos.01 to 15 of Tirupur Municipal Corporation and Velampalayam Firka of Tirupur North Taluk of Tirupur District.
Tirupur - II Areas covering Ward Nos.16 to 30 of Tirupur Municipal Corporation, Tirupur North Firka of Tirupur North Taluk and Perumanallur Firka of AVInashi Taluk of Tirupur District.
Tirupur - III Areas covering Ward Nos.31 to 45 of Tirupur Municipal Corporation, Nallur Firka of Tirupur South Taluk of Tirupur District.
Tirupur - IV Areas covering Ward Nos.46 to 60 of Tirupur Municipal Corporation, Tirupur South Firka and South AVInashipalayam Firka of Tirupur South Taluk of Tirupur District.
Tirupur - V Areas covering AVInashi Taluk of Tirupur District except Perumanallur Firka.