State Code: 19
State Name: West Bengal
Region Name: South Bengal
Division Name: Howrah
District Name: HOWRAH
City: Rameswarnagar
Pincode: 711310
Police Station: NA
State Name: West Bengal
GST State Code: 19
GST Zone: Kolkata
GST Commissionerate: Haldia
GST Division: Junglepur
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
RANGE-I | NORTH: Junction point of the HOWRAH-Baragachia Rail line and NH-6 at Bankra. EAST:The Western side of NH-6 starting from the junction point of HOWRAH-Baragachia Rail line & NH-6 and upto the Southern boundary line of Plot No.332 of the Jalan Complex, Junglepur. SOUTH:The Northern side of the Southern boundary line of Plot No. 332 and 243 of the Jalan Complex, Junglepur. WEST: The Western boundary line of the Plots (e.g. Plot No.332,243, Dag No. 410, 414, 415, 117 etc.) beneath which Indian Oil Corpn. Pipeline runs inbetween Plot No.243 and 332 of the Jalan Complex, Junglepur and the junction point of NH-6 and HOWRAH -Baragachia Rail line. Including part of Domjur Block in HOWRAH District in West Bengal lying in the south of NH-6. |
RANGE-II | NORTH: The Southern boundary of Hoogly District starting from Jhingra-Baragachia Road and upto crossing point of NH-2 & NH-6. EAST: Western side of NH-6 starting from the crossing point of NH-6 & NH-2 and upto the crossing point of NH-6 & HOWRAH -Bargachia Rail line at Bankra. Thereafter , the western boundary line of the Plots beneath which Indian Oil Corpn. Pipeline runs inbetween NH-6 and Dag No. 117 on HOWRAH Amta Road. SOUTH: Northern side of HOWRAH-Amta Road starting from Western boundary line of Dag No. 117 and upto crossing point of HOWRAH-Amta Road and HOWRAH-Baragachia rail line.The Northern side of HOWRAH-Baragachia Rail line upto Baragachia. WEST: Northern side of Baragachia-Jhingra Road, starting from Baragachia upto Southern boundary of Hoogly District. |
RANGE-III | NORTH: The southern Side of Jhingra-Baragachia Road starting from the meeting point of Jhingra-Baragachia Road and the Kacha Road going towards Domjur-Dhulagar Road and upto Baragachia. Then the southern side of Baragachia-HOWRAH Rail line starting from Baragachia upto the crossing point of Baragachia-HOWRAH Rail line and HOWRAH-Amta Road.Thereafter Southern side of HOWRAH-Amta Road upto the Western boundary line of Dag No.410,414 and 415 beneath which, Indian Oil Corpn. line runs. EAST: The western boundary line of dag No.410, 414 and 415 beneath which, Indian Oil Corpn. Pipeline runs. SOUTH:Northern side of No.1 Road of Jalan Complex, Junglepur starting from Western boundary of 332 & 243 of Jalan Complex, Junglepur and Domjur-Dhulagar Road. Thereafter , the Northern side of the Kacha Road towards Jhingra-Baragachia Road upto Jhingra-Baragachia Road. WEST:The meeting point of Jhingra-Baragachia Road with the Kacha Road connecting Jhingra-Baragachia Road with Domjur-Dhulagar Road. |
RANGE-IV | NORTH:The Southern boundary of Hoogly Dist. starting from the North-West boundary of HOWRAH District upto Jhingra-Baragachia Road, thereafter the Southern side of the Kacha Road going towards Domjur-Dhulagar Road then Southern side of the Kacha Road upto Domjur-Dhulagar Road and the No.1 Road of the Jalan Complex, Junglepur upto the North-West corner of Plot No.243 &332. Thereafter , western side of the western boundary of Plot No.243 & 332 of the Jalan Complex, Junglepur upto NH-6. EAST:Western side of NH-6 starting from the Southern boundary line of Plot No.243 & 332 of Jalan Complex, Junglepur and upto the No.3 Road of Jalan Complex, Junglepur. SOUTH:The Northern side of No.3 Road of Jalan Complex, Junglepur starting from NH-6 & upto Domjur-Dhulagar Road upto the crossing point of Gangadharpur-Dhulagar Road and Domjur-Dhulagar Road.Then Northern side of Dhulagar-Gangadharpur Road upto Gangadharpur, thereafter the North-Western side of the Kacha Road connecting Gangadharpur with Ranihati-Amta Road at Panpur.Thereafter, Northern side of Ranihati-Amta Road upto Amta and then the Northern side of Amta-Jhikira Road upto the North-West boundary of HOWRAH District.Excluding Sankrail Block of HOWRAH District in West Bengal. |
RANGE-V | NORTH:The Southern side of Jhikira-Amta Road starting from the South-Eastern boundary of Hoogly District and upto Amta thereafter Southern side of Amta-Ranihati Road upto panpur and thereafter the South-Eastern side of the Kacha Road connecting Panpur with Gangadharpur upto Gangadharpur.Then southern side of Gangadharpur-Dhulagar Road and Domjur-Dhulagar Road, upto the crossing of Domjur-Dhulagar Road and No.3 Road of Jalan Complex, Junglepur upto NH-6. EAST:The Western side of NH-6, starting from the crossing point of No.3 Road of Jalan Complex, Junglepur and upto Banitabala (excluding part of Sankrail Block of HOWRAH District). SOUTH:The Northern side of NH-6 starting from Banitabla to the crossing point of NH-6 and Rupnarayan River. WEST:The Eastern side of Rupnarayan River starting from the crossing point of Rupnarayan River and NH-6 and upto the middle point of Dist. East Midnapur, Hoogly and HOWRAH. Thereafter, Eastern boundary of Hoogly District upto the Jhikira-Amta Road. Including Part of Panchala & Uluberia-II Block of HOWRAH District lying in the South West of NH-6. |
State Name: West Bengal
GST State Code: 19
GST Zone: Kolkata
GST Commissionerate: Haldia
GST Division: Kharagpur
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: West Bengal
GST State Code: 19
GST Zone: Kolkata
GST Commissionerate: Howrah
GST Division: Bally I
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: West Bengal
GST State Code: 19
GST Zone: Kolkata
GST Commissionerate: Howrah
GST Division: Bally II
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: West Bengal
GST State Code: 19
GST Zone: Kolkata
GST Commissionerate: Howrah
GST Division: Rishra
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: West Bengal
GST State Code: 19
GST Zone: Kolkata
GST Commissionerate: Howrah
GST Division: Sbu II
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: West Bengal
GST State Code: 19
GST Zone: Kolkata
GST Commissionerate: Howrah
GST Division: Serampore
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: West Bengal
GST State Code: 19
GST Zone: Kolkata
GST Commissionerate: Howrah
GST Division: Shibpur
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
State Name: West Bengal
GST State Code: 19
GST Zone: Kolkata
GST Commissionerate: Howrah
GST Division: Uluberia
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |