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Pincode 761101

State Code: 21

State Name: Odisha

Region Name: Berhampur

Division Name: Aska

District Name: GANJAM

City: Kanchuru

Pincode: 761101

Police Station: NA

List of GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Odisha

GST State Code: 21

GST Zone: Bhubaneswar

GST Commissionerate: Bhubaneswar

GST Division: Berhampur

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
BERHAMPUR I RANGE Berhampur Municipality area of GANJAM District.
BERHAMPUR II RANGE The jurisdiction of GANJAM District which are not covered under Berhampur-I Range and Gopalpur Range
GOPALPUR RANGE The jurisdiction of Gopalpur P.S. limit, Chhatrapur Tehsil and GANJAM Tehsil of GANJAM District.