State Code: 18
State Name: Assam
Region Name: Dibrugarh
Division Name: Sibsagar
District Name: JORHAT
City: Bhakatiduar
Pincode: 785110
Police Station: NA
State Name: Assam
GST State Code: 18
GST Zone: Guwahati
GST Commissionerate: Dibrugarh
GST Division: JORHAT
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
BOKAKHAT RANGE | Area falling under Bokakhat Police station, Numaligarh Police station, Bogijan Police station and Kamargaon Police station |
GOLAGHAT I RANGE | Area falling under Golaghat Police station, Dergaon Police station, Ghilladhari Police station and Kamarbandha Police station |
GOLAGHAT II RANGE | Area falling under Sarupathar Police station, Uriamghat Police station, Chungajan Police station, Borpathar Police station, Merapani Police station and Jamuguri Police station |
JORHAT I RANGE | Area falling under JORHAT Municipal Ward No. 2,3,4,6,7,18 and19 under JORHAT Police station along with area falling under Garmur Police station , Titabor Police station and Borhulla Police station |
JORHAT II RANGE | Area falling under JORHAT Municipal Ward No. 1,5,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 and 17 under JORHAT Police station along with area falling under Pulibor Police station |
JORHAT III RANGE | Area falling under Teok Police station, Mariani Police station, Bhagamukh Police station, Nimatighat Police station, Majuli Police station and Jengraimukh Police station |