State Code: 20
State Name: Jharkhand
Region Name: NA
Division Name: Singhbhum
City: Potka
Pincode: 831002
Police Station: NA
State Name: Jharkhand
GST State Code: 20
GST Zone: Ranchi
GST Commissionerate: Jamshedpur
GST Division: Division - I
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
JUGSALAI | Area under JugsalaiP.S,Bagbera P.S. and the portion of Potka block falling at the west side of the Tata Hata Road till Hata Chowk. Except , excluding the area of Tisco Central Tax Range |
State Name: Jharkhand
GST State Code: 20
GST Zone: Ranchi
GST Commissionerate: Jamshedpur
GST Division: Division - II
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
BURMA MINES RANGE | AreaunderParsudih P.S. &Barma Mines P.S. and area east to the Tata-Hata Road under Sundarnagar P.S. &east to the Tata-Hata Road of area under Potka Block |
State Name: Jharkhand
GST State Code: 20
GST Zone: Ranchi
GST Commissionerate: Jamshedpur
GST Division: Division - IV
GST Range | GST Jurisdiction |
DIMNA II RANGE | Area north of Subarnarekha River falling under EAST SINGHBHUM District but excluding area under Mango - I Range, Dimna-I Range&Ghatsila Range. |