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Pincode 835231

State Code: 20

State Name: Jharkhand

Region Name: NA

Division Name: Ranchi

District Name: GUMLA

City: Jori

Pincode: 835231

Police Station: NA

List of GST Jurisdiction

State Name: Jharkhand

GST State Code: 20

GST Zone: Ranchi

GST Commissionerate: Ranchi

GST Division: Bokaro I

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
CHAS I Area of Chas municipality in the East of Bye Pass Road to Jodhadih More VIa Dharamsala Chowk and ITI More, Telgaria More of Chas Municipality, Telmochho VIllage of Harla P.S., SiyalJori P.S., Parbatpur P.S. and Chandankiyari P.S.
CHAS II Area of Chas municipality in the West of Bye Pass Road to Jodhadih More VIa Dharamsala Chowk and ITI More, Areas of Chas municipality in South of Bokaro not specified elsewhere and PindraJori P.S.

State Name: Jharkhand

GST State Code: 20

GST Zone: Ranchi

GST Commissionerate: Ranchi

GST Division: Ranchi South

GST Range GST Jurisdiction
GUMLA RANGE Area covering the entire GUMLA and Simdega districts.